Studio Slovenija

Studio Slovenija is a platform dedicated to promoting Slovenian art, design, and visual media by showcasing contemporary fine and visual arts production.

Slovenia, with its 2,126,324(1) inhabitants, is the 6th smallest country in the European Union, representing 0.5% of the EU population(2) and 0.03% of the world's population.(3) Despite its small size, Slovenia boasts a rich cultural heritage and a creative sector.

Creators represent approximately 0.4*%(4) of Slovenia's population.

In Slovenia, around 3185 individuals (0.15%)(5) hold self-employed status in culture, with almost half of them in art and visual-related fields. However, the actual number of creators contributing to the development of Slovenian culture is higher, as many of them work without official recognition.

 This page is dedicated to providing an overview of art, design and other visual media created by Slovenians, whose work enriches our cultural landscape.

(1)    Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia,,  dostop dne 1. 12. 2024
(2)    Facts and figures on the European Union,
(4)    Number of self-employed in culture individuals
(5)    See nr. 4
© Studio Slovenija, 2025